April 11, 2009

ISO Banquet

I attended the ISO Banquet again this year, even though I was sick..well, I needed dinner and I really wanted to watch the performances..haha..so I packed my medicine in my bag and toughen up and walked to the banquet. ISO Banquet was fun this year, in most aspects, except for food and one tiny problem. Food was..erm...not-so-good..hehe..but performances were really good. Then, it got to one performance which was suppose to be Indian/Pakistan Dance 2. It uses a paskitani song I think but the dance moves were just so obsene. It was ridiculous. Every move were OBVIOUSLY sexually related..I was just awkward because ISCA was denied our performance as we were a christian group. They said they wanted it to be neutral so that it can be enjoyed by everyone. I respected that. And so ISCA did not perform, but attend. However, when I saw that performance, I got pretty upset. It was abviously not neutral or enjoyable by everyone (not unless you want your kids to see those moves at ages 4-6).. I guess it wasn't neutral that was important. It was what actually appealed to the audience. I realized that anything sexual or violent is shockingly welcome by the people here but not religion. Yes, those two are acceptable in this society but yet religion is sensitive. *sigh* I thought being in the States was different...what happened to freedom of speech? freedom of religion? I guess it depends on the situation huh? I never cease to learn new things everyday...is it a good thing or bad thing? hmmm..makes me wonder what's next to learn...

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