April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!
Easter is not about bunny and eggs and chocolates..
Although chocolates and bunnies would be cute...but,
It has a beautiful and priceless memory to me.

It is the day our Lord Jesus rose from the death.
It is the day our Lord Jesus conquered death.
It is the day we get out second chance to get closer to God.
It reminds us of the things He had gone through for us to be able to come to God.
He made it possible for us to live our lives with Him.
He made it possible for us to go through life, knowing He is there to look after us.
He made it possible for us to know God!
He made my life possible.
He made me possible to go through life, knowing He will always be there for me...
no matter how many mistakes I make..
no matter what my mood is...
no matter how I look or am judged by others..
He is ALWAYS there for me...
and I truly, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you, Lord!
for making me who I am today..
for your unconditional love and grace...
So, rejoice! for the Lord is risen..

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