February 14, 2012

Super Nerdy Valentine's Day Post

14 Ways an Economist Says I Love You

Give your loved one a nerdy Valentine and they'll be yours forever! Why? Because if you give them diamonds/cufflinks this year, anything you get them next year will fall short. Give them one of these and anything they receive next year will be a step up. It's called expectation management and is the key to a long and happy relationship. On that dismal (science heyoo) note, Happy Valentine's Day. 

Source: http://fosslien.com/heart/

February 12, 2012

Moved on? or Left Behind?

Scrolling down the news feed on my Facebook, posts and pictures about friends getting engaged/married, having family of their own, working and even some having children.. I realized that everyone is moving on to the next phase in life. And I'm getting old! haha..hanging out with a childhood friend (Stephanie) a couple days ago made us both realized how long ago it was since we first met in Children's Camp..how long ago it was when we first went to Youth Camp..honestly, it doesn't feel that long ago but then I realized, it was 11 years ago since my first time in Youth Camp. =.=  Stephanie and I were just looking at our own circle of friends, it made us realized that everyone else had moved on except the very few of us, struggling abroad. At 25, every one is on their own career path and on the road to having their own family..As for us? We're still struggling to look for a job, struggling to finish school, struggling to be accepted in this society here, making new friends, re-starting my entire network, struggling to pay the bills...It made us both feel like we're so far behind our peer. Made me wonder, what is wrong with me? Why wouldn't anyone hire me or why is it so hard for me to fit in? Why is it so easy for some people to get a job and achieve their goals, but not me? Hmm..oh well, I'm sure God has a plan for us both. I just have to be patient and trust that God will provide a path for us in the end. Maybe I'll get a job really soon, or maybe I need to continue pursuing higher education and become a professor? All good things come to those who wait right? So, I'll just have to wait patiently, do my best and trust that God will show me what's next in my life. =)

February 11, 2012


Graduation..another one next year. I should be excited, but I'm not anymore. Today, I asked my family if they were coming to my graduation next year, but all I got was a "No". I can't say I'm surprised since they never actually showed up to any of my graduation or award ceremony before either. But what hurts and surprises me is what my dad said. I think I'm more disappointed and angry than sad. Since he promised that they will be here for my masters graduation, seeing they missed my last graduation, I thought they would at least try. But he said, "what for? your mom is not going anyways.." It makes me wonder, am I really that not worth being proud of? Am i really worth that little to them, that they never showed up to any of my award ceremonies?He showed up for every ceremony Sheryl ever had. He was there every time Sheryl was on stage, performing. He was at everything Sheryl did. But none of mine.  I doubt that even with a PhD, they will show up for that graduation anyways. People wonder why I have so low self confidence and why I hate people not honoring their words, but after so many disappointments in life, I can't say I will ever hold my head up high and be proud of any of my achievement. None of these so-called achievements seems to worth anything to my family, huh? I wonder, if I ever get married one day, will any of them even bother to show up or would he ask me again "What for?" ..

So, both my sister won't be able to be there since it's exam period. The rest of them decided it's not worth anything to be here. So instead, graduation will look like this picture below. AGAIN..what's new? Maybe I won't even attend graduation then.  It wasn't fun sitting and standing alone in the crowd last summer, everyone had someone cheering them on, being happy for them. But when my name was called, it was drop-dead silence. No sound. You could hear a pin drop. That feeling was horrible, it was suppose to be joyous but I was more excited for the entire ceremony to be over with. So, I don't intend to go through another lousy graduation again.