March 26, 2008


Hola! It's Friday and I'm stuck in my room for once, without any plans and anything to do..everyone I know are either out partying or out on dates..sigh..

So, here I am, finishing this tag by JIM..haha..

The Rules:-
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

Random fact #1:
I love music. I play both piano and organ, was interested in learning violin but that never work out very well. haha..piano is my way of de-stressing now. Just to relax, have fun and escape from reality.

Random fact #2:
I am way way way too optimistic at times..then again, I think and worry too much over stuff..haha..I don't get me at all..lalala

Random fact #3:
I have "food season" . Believe it or not, there is such thing. Last semester, I ate so much fries and I'm into subs. I have subs almost every other day. Turkey-swiss-lettuce-mayonaise. Toast. YUMMY.

Random fact #4:
I look timid and quiet and shy..but..everyone who knows me will tell you otherwise. I'm one of those random , crazy-idea-thinking people. haha..I love to have fun and play around..haha..

Random fact #5:
I love being treated by others and cared for. I like being fussed around. haha..makes me feels so unique and special. just like a princess. haha

Random fact #6:
I keep thinking I'm fat. sigh. bad bad bad. I am not fat but this mentality of losing weight is stuck in my mind whenever I see those skinny girls in their little outfits. makes me feel so short and so fat.. =p

Random fact #7:
I have to have people around me at all times or I'll be bored! like now..sigh..where is everyone??

Random fact #8:
I love watching cartoons and comedies. It makes you feel so carefree and relaxing. Then again, you have to watch them with friends and family..or anyone you enjoy company with.

Random fact #9: (don't know why Jim has 9, so I'll do 9 too..)
I don't trust using credit cards. If you miss one payment, your interest rate will go sky high. READ the FINE PRINTS! haha..blaw is so useful! not only in business, but our daily life too. =)

Sam who needs a break from work
Vin Yee
Hwei Cheng
Lee Ping
Pei Yun who needs to update soon!
and YOU!!!

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