May 31, 2007

blogthings 1

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

American Cities That Best Fit You:

50% Austin

50% Chicago

50% Honolulu

50% New York City

50% Seattle

May 30, 2007

my dear ns frens

Just 2 days back, my dear NS friend, Wen Ching whom I met outside the bilik sakit, sms me and told me she got married. The last time I heard from her few months back, she was doing her diploma and was due to finish it this year..hmm,it was quite a shock for me since i didn't expect her to get married so fast! ok, so i know what u must be, for the record, she's not pregnant ya~ she said since they'd been together for some time now, so when he proposed, she didn't want to think much..he's about 25? gosh..but she's only 20..i wouldn't get married so early..there's so much more i wanna do! haha..but as long she's happy, i'm happy for her..=)

I can't find a bigger picture of us chinese gals in camp..but even from this picture, majority of them might have already gotten married..very few are studying, some are working..and 1 of them is a mother of 2/3 now..when we were in camp, a few of them were already engaged..but nothing beats yukie..she had 1 lil' gal (she gave birth when 17, before spm) and was suspected to be pregnant after we left camp..she was a lil' annoying actually. Every once in a while, they would try to convince me not to study but get married..according to them, that's a girl's life duty-married and give birth..hahaha..sounds pretty old fashion but oh well..maybe coz' we're from a totally different background. let's just say, i have a entirely different plan for my life! ^_*

well, to those who chose to get married, hope y'all will be happy and loved always!

May 28, 2007


I am so happy! My souvenirs are fabulous! I mention, my parents are back! yesterday, my sis and I went for a lovely dinner at GEM with Aunt Susan..we were driving along the main road, not knowing where we're heading's common for us to get into the car, and let the car take us wherever it wanna be..haha..well, since we didn't want to go through the hassle of opening the, GEM it is! shaded parking and not so far from home..good choice! *claps for Moksu(sorry, can't spell his name properly)*..mind you, that's the car's name..

well, after that, we stopped at Pets wonderland..gosh, the animals are SO adorable..but unfortunately, after seeing the birds, I was having problem with my of them was flipping its wings so hard that its feathers keep flying to me..but the lovebirds are just a pretty sight! But nothing compares to the pups! especially the Golden Retriever and the Labrador, not the pug..

Later, we were off to fetch my parents from cheras..only to realize we were there too, we went up hill to look at the beautiful houses! Rich people! all the houses look like mansions..i wish I had a house like that!..or not..otherwise my mom would make me do all the chores, since she doesn't like the idea of a maid..and then it would be a problem to walk up n down hill each day to catch the, maybe not..

well..enough said and are my souvenirs! 3 shirts, a jeans, a belt, socks, outerwear for my formal dress, some earrings and hair stuff..above I-POD Nano! It's not like my dad to get us each one I-Pod..then I realized, it's made in China and it's not original..but who cares! it's functional, and it's just lovely! Ok..enough of they say, pictures tell a thousand goes!

Handkerchief pets


Me n lil'sis..I-Pods

Love them all so much! Thanx, mom n dad!

XOXO, me!

May 26, 2007


I'd been sleeping at my grandma's place for the past few nights since my folks are enjoying themselves in HK..and there's no way I can look after both my sisters, do the chores and watch out for the construction workers outside my house all, the solution is simple: sleep over at night and be back after driving them around to finish the house chores..sounds pretty simple but it's not fun! they just won't help out..dahlah my skin sensitive to soap powder..kena wash car, mop floor, wash clothes, wash bed linens, wash back my skin is horrible! can't really feel my finger tips now, and I have piano lesson later. *sigh* all under the responsibility of being the eldest..which I didn't ask for..which is pretty enjoyable at times..=p

But things had been going great, smoothly! except the sleep over at grand's..when we first sleepover, they prepared lots of dishes! our favorites too! but imagine digesting so much each night is freaking me out..luckily didn't put on any weight, otherwise all effort wasted! =p but I figure it's just how they show their care for grandma would sit by the window each night, waiting for my car to come..when we're a little late, she'll panic, which I did cause it to happen several times..not on purpose sister took her own sweet time to bathe when she's already late! *no comments*

One thing that wasn't that pleasant was the nights I had to sleep on the floor, without air-con..the weather was so hot and they don't have a/c? I couldn't sleep most of the nights..I sleep at 2am, wake up at 7am..sweating! It's horrible..I just don't like that feeling, waking up to the, every morning after breakfast, I would try to come home a.s.a.p a/c ma..even though it means more chores and more torture for my delicate hands! =p

But hey! I don't have to go through it again tonight since my folks will be back this evening! just can't wait for them to be back after one souvenirs! hahaha..

will update later again!gotta go torture my hands now, then buy lunch for my starving sis..ciao~

May 15, 2007

My Never Ending Tag.. =p

haha..This is my first post in Chinese. Thanx to Pei Yun who decided to torture me since I rarely type in Chinese..*sigh* somemore the tag is SO....long.. -_-"" Anyway, here goes...

Game 1點名遊戲

1. 2006你最开心的事是什么?2006年最难过的事是什么?2007年最大的心愿是 么?
最开心应该是认识了一班傻傻的朋友们吧!!还记得每次要考试,我们就会议起温习,也有说有笑。。然后就是伸请到美国的事吧!!从来没想过即然被接受了!! haha>

2. 如果现在可以让你随心所欲去旅行,你想去哪?
Hong Kong = shopping! haha..

3. 你最满意自己身体哪个部位?与别人初次见面你会先注意他(她)哪个部位?

若是(他) 就是脸和说话风格吧!=p

4. 失眠过吗?你用什么办法对抗失眠?
当然有啦!!睡不着就看故事书或者看DVD.. haha..or miss call ppl =p

5. 会不会做饭?你希望你的伴侣(OR未来的伴侣)会做饭吗?
还在学习当中咯。。比 较容易的是会的,不是快熟面啦 K? well, if he can cook..that's perfect!

6. 你最想做哪个动画片角色?为什么?

7. 在你心中,自己是怎么样一个人?

这个嘛,当然是独以无二噢 ! 我是个缺点多优点少的女生吧! 想改的也蛮多的咧.. 要不然为什么就是没喜欢的对象呢?

8. 如果可以重来你最想改变的是什么?为什么
太多了吧。。如果可以的话,应该是想考较好吧! 那么我爸就不用那么烦恼了

9. 觉得自己是个自恋的人么?

10. 现在的目标是什么?
一定要读好书, 得到 GPA 4.00 ! 帮父母减压力 ~他们为我附出太多了

11. 经有过最伟大的理想?

想去帮须要帮助的人吧! 不过当时没想到如何达到这个理想.. -_-"

12 . 样报复你最恨的人?
hmm..Bible says you have to love your enemies..let God judge them, not, I can't stay angry for long. =p

13. 是不是对待每一次感情都很认真?
是吧! i think so..

14. 对不起的人是谁?
我爸妈呀! 每次都要他们为我将来烦恼 .. 爸妈, 我答应你们我一定会赚很多钱来报答你们的..

15. 备什么时候结婚?
当然是遇到自己最爱的时后吧 ! 不可能随便嫁给对方噢..

16. 欢上一个有女()朋友的人,告白?

17. 理想中的伴侣什么样?
最好当然是爱我的, (better do in English)..handsome, athletic, loving, respectful, caring, responsible, good tempered, kind, understanding, tolerance, humble, more outspoken than me, adventurous, friendly, doesn't smoke, doesn't gamble, doesn't abuse,....yada yada..etc..the list goes on and on..but most important is He loves the same God as I do..

18. 讨厌什么样的人?
最讨厌在我面前吸烟的人!and people who gives up on life easily.

19. 欢听谁的歌?
没有注定谁的歌,好听就是喜欢的歌~ 不过就是没听马来歌啦..

20.思想纯洁的人好不好, 为什么

思想纯洁的成年人? depends how naive the person is..

(我很累了好长的问题…never ending?)

那就要看是什么为题喽~ but if i'm blur, it's a 'huh?' =p

i want to be clever, rich, more outspoken, slimmer, taller, thinner, prettier..ok, i better stop now.. =p

23. 最失败的事,最后悔的事,最想改变的事是什么?
失败是成功之母.. 哈哈

24. 07年最大的希望是什么?

25. 样去爱你爱的人?


26. 有男()朋友了?他做的最让你感动的事是什么?

27. 会怎样向爱人求婚?

28. 一直不能放弃的喜好?
我放弃...<<秘密>> =p

29. 有没有最怕的事, 有没有发生过什么让你恐惧的事?
我害怕打针, 碰到青蛙和迷路..发生过啊?迷路咯!好几次了耶.. -_-"

30. 最喜欢的一句话是什么?

Game 2♥愛x無限大問卷♥♥愛x無限大問卷【★】 
遊戲規則:〔壹〕被點的小寶貝要在自己的報台或部落格上寫下答案 寫完後請小寶貝們務必點名七個幸運小乖乖這七個小乖乖要在自己的報台或部落格上完成喔〔貳〕本問卷僅適合容易自嗨的寶貝們不自嗨者,將遭到作者的怨年纏身 =皿=【★】遊戲

Start:- 愛x無限大part1 - 〔基礎認識篇〕



什么座?wat's LIBRa in chinese? AB型…

erm...我又矮又胖耶 ..only 5'2, but 49kg..gosh, i'm fat!



我不是很容易被影响的 不过应该是我家人才会有这个能力吧!

- 愛x無限大part2 - 〔友誼認識篇〕

不能说是骗的啦~ 答应了就得做啊!


3、你跟這個寶貝是怎麼認識的 place to meet new ppl =p


erm..easy to talk to, friendly..she's unique! can laugh so much! =p

会很努力把成绩搞好,爱吃青菜, 有时会做出令你出乎意料的事的人, oh, 超级疼爱miao miao..还有起初不敢驾车到学校所以两人就一起坐我车去, 还好没把她吓坏!erm..lots la..

爱!她是我的朋友耶! she's one of a kind!

- 愛x無限大part3 - 〔自我篇〕



erm, lots la..

*no comments…




taller! thinner! prettier!

- 愛x無限大part4 - 〔聯想篇〕




红包!!chinese new yr!

it's great for tanning!

愛x無限大part5 - 〔愛情篇〕一定都要回答!!

1、現在有喜歡的對象嗎(或之前) can ar?



???y i dun understand de question dy 1???





- 愛x無限大part6 -〔十八禁篇


有人asthma 到酱劲??




7、本回合最後一個問題,以上都是你的真心嗎 YES or NO 請擇一

- 愛x無限大part7 - 〔KUSO篇〕
kuso篇規則:請列舉七個人,不是要填問卷的, 是你第一直覺想到的人!!〝填完後才能開始看題目喔〞!![1][2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

A:3 和他们又什么关系呢?


A:不要烦我啦 ! 这都不关我的事..

A: 不知道

A:偷情? 哈哈哈..

6、某天早上,你意外發現你身旁躺者[5] 而且床旁邊多了許多衛生紙,你的反應是
A:马上给我收拾咧! 好脏耶..

7、本回合最後一題,如果 [2][6]兩人要爭奪你,你會選擇誰
: erm..


1 Samantha Lau.
2. Khai Fang
3. Pang Ping
4. Pang Han
5. Peay Pei..if u know chinese la..

Aiyoh..i forgot who else knows chinese la..hahaha..soree ar..whoever who wanna do it, go ahead n knock yourself out!



May 9, 2007

My future days?

I don't know what to post about..but since lee ping asked me to blog about my roommate-to-be and my residential, here I am..

Carolyn (the front one) is my roommate-to-be ! She's from texas and she has lovely blue eyes. =p She's pretty..5'6 sumore..*she's taken ya~ lucky Brian* =D Got so much in common and so easy to talk with~ can't wait to meet her! =p

Leng Lui rite? *wink*

When I first did my Shop-N-Swap (it's a session where you choose your room and residential hall online, in case you don't know) , I was terribly disappointed coz' there were no more double rooms available for Carolyn and we had to separate into different rooms. But God answered my prayer! =) I logged on a few days back and manage to find a vacant room in our third choice of, Carolyn and I will be rooming together after all! I'm so so so excited to meet her and share room together. =D

Here's how Yocum Hall looks:

And my future room:

[beautiful huh? =p erm..this one is sample one, wait till i get there k?hahaha]

May 6, 2007

YC Videos?

Found some videos..all done by our Youth Church..haha..enjoy~

This is by our leaders? *lol*

This is from those who are studying in Australia..

Spot Pastor Mike! *no prize la*


this is solely for pei yun:

Sorry gal! cannot do my tag this week le..daddy still on my computer *sigh* but will do it as soon as he gets off the computer. =p his laptop cannot type chinese le..

May 2, 2007

Kids Talk

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.

The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah".

The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl replied, "Then you ask him".

A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work.

As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.

The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."

The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like."

Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.

After explaining the commandment to "honour" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"

Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shall not kill."

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head.

She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?"

Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.

"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor.'

A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher, she's dead."

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray:

"Take only ONE . God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

Juz 4 fun!

Got this from a friend's blog when I was usual,I was curious..*lol*