Scrolling down the news feed on my Facebook, posts and pictures about friends getting engaged/married, having family of their own, working and even some having children.. I realized that everyone is moving on to the next phase in life. And I'm getting old! haha..hanging out with a childhood friend (Stephanie) a couple days ago made us both realized how long ago it was since we first met in Children's long ago it was when we first went to Youth Camp..honestly, it doesn't feel that long ago but then I realized, it was 11 years ago since my first time in Youth Camp. =.= Stephanie and I were just looking at our own circle of friends, it made us realized that everyone else had moved on except the very few of us, struggling abroad. At 25, every one is on their own career path and on the road to having their own family..As for us? We're still struggling to look for a job, struggling to finish school, struggling to be accepted in this society here, making new friends, re-starting my entire network, struggling to pay the bills...It made us both feel like we're so far behind our peer. Made me wonder, what is wrong with me? Why wouldn't anyone hire me or why is it so hard for me to fit in? Why is it so easy for some people to get a job and achieve their goals, but not me? Hmm..oh well, I'm sure God has a plan for us both. I just have to be patient and trust that God will provide a path for us in the end. Maybe I'll get a job really soon, or maybe I need to continue pursuing higher education and become a professor? All good things come to those who wait right? So, I'll just have to wait patiently, do my best and trust that God will show me what's next in my life. =)
I have to comment this, right? Fiancee. :)
Love you
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