March 8, 2010

A new old game

Last Saturday, I learned a new game--mahjong..yes, the old people game we watch on tv all the time. Ho, Johnny and I went to Albert's house for szechuan "ma la" MUTTON steamboat. We had so much mutton, veg and seafood..hehe, it was delicious! Albert's apartment is so clean and tidy, I mean for a guy's place, it's the first of so many I have seen. Anyways, after eating, Albert and Johnny decided to teach Ho and I mahjong. It's an ok game, not much of a strategy or mind game's a game of pure statistics and luck..I hardly play games involving luck or having no strategy or whatsoever.

After playing, one thing I still don't get is how does all the "tai tai" in those dramas can play that game and look like they were having so much fun??? What's so exciting and adreneline pumping about this game???? *sigh* maybe I just don't get it..anyway, I still learnt a new game and had great food and company this weekend.. =)

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