June 25, 2009



Those are the first few words I hear every morning.
Having the kids bow and greet me was a strange feeling at first,
but it's kinda amusing too. hehe...
The kids were pretty loud and noisy, very different from the time I was in their place.
But, they adjusted to me..hehe..
a fun and interesting bunch of kids, that's about all I can say about them.

But, I am truly disappointed with how Chung Kwok School has become after all these years of being a well-known school. Discipline, organization and management has gone down the drain since the arrival of the new headmaster, Mr Chan Seng Choy. I don't understand how can the government put such a stupid guy to be in charge of such a great school. The school's reputation has gone down the drain....way way way down!!!! sigh..such a huge disappointment. What's worse is that he can't even behave like an adult..makes me wonder if he has any sort of mental problem actually....oh, and he threathens and canes for fun too..

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