June 22, 2010


Last weekend, we watched 3 movies (2 in a row!)..
This week..just 1..haha..
Anyway, met an old friend at church this week and it was just random..it took me by surprise because it's not everyday we see someone unexpected at church..lol..but what meddles with my mind is how people always look at me when I put on a skirt/ dress/ shorts...anything non-denim..I mean seriously? how different can I look when I'm not in my regular jeans and t-shirts? just a random thought...

oh, last week, I got the best compliment ever..
"I like your accent, it's really cute"
yes, my "cute" accent compliment from a 15yr old..lol
but the thing is, that isn't my entire msian accent..it's the suppressed accent.
After all the mocking and making fun of my accent and pronunciations,
I honestly appreciate it..

June 18, 2010

UB Week 1

So the kids have left..the hallways are so empty and quiet! this week has been a super long week, it feels as if it's been more than 2 weeks already. maybe it's all the walking under the heat, keeping up with the kids, HPER trips and lack of sleep..as you can tell, I'm worn out. and there's 5 more exciting week! haha..132 kids is hard to keep up with.

This week's been fun so far. We had a birthday bash and dinner on dickson. The birthday bash was awkward for me, since i don't dance. The songs were really loud, which lead to a bad headache. But the kids seemed to had a lot of fun..which was the entire point of the party. Anyway, Jessica's mentor family and mine decided to haed to Blu Fin for dinner. Blu fin on Dickson was expensive! Gladly, I'm not paying it out of my own pocket. =p The sushi was ok (i've had better ones, but not here in Fayetteville), but I think a lot of the girls had a bad culture shock! Some of them were willing to try new food, but others, not so much. Couple of girls were, of course, disgusted by the food..One even claimed that seaweed was fish poop-ing place and miso soup to be weird and disgusting..oh, and yet the best is..tofu is mini french toast bread! It's definitely an eye-opening for some and interesting dinner conversation for me and Jessica..lol..I even had Tamago sushi. Everyone thought it was weird because the egg looked different than regular eggs... ^_^""" I guess if you're from a rural place, it's normal reaction..but I just felt the entire dinner was interesting to see their reactions..lol..something normal to me is definitely a huge culture shock for a lot of the kids..

Anyway, kids are off for the weekend and will be back before I know it. So, adios everyone..I'm gonna go enjoy my days off....